Learning Map Reduce

MapReduce is a programming model for writing programs which is capable of processing huge amount of data (Big Data) in parallel. In Map reduce model there will be multiple nodes on which the data will be stored, processed and aggregated. Need of MapReduce Big data cannot be processed using the traditional computing techniques. Take an …

The Beginning of Hadoop

Introduction Recently I wanted to know about the buzzword in the industry "Hadoop". My goal for this year is to learn what is Hadoop, the tools and technologies in Hadoop and the latest development's of Hadoop platform like Spark, Scala etc. Hadoop is a open source, Java based programming framework which supports the distributed storage …

Shift-Left in Continuous Delivery

As the industry is focussing on Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, many companies are adopting different shift-left approaches in testing and certifying the application so that we can envision the product in Production at the earliest. In this article I'm writing my experience about different shift-left testing techniques we used to certify the product faster …

Gradle Overview V/s Ant V/s Maven

Gradle is new Build tool which is gaining popularity in the market. Earlier well known tools are Ant and Maven. Why Gradle is becoming popular? Well, Google introduced Gradle to the world and it has selected Gradle as a Build system for Android Studio. So it doesn't make any sence to reinvent the wheel and …